Balanced Micro Elements Shalat Fertilizers

Balanced Micro Elements

Fe:1% MGO:1% K2O:20% P2O5:20% N:20% Mn:0.17% Zn:0.08% Cu:0.04% B2O5:0.2% Mo:0.002%
A balanced compound containing micro, malleable and dissoluble elements in the form of Chillies and fully absorbable

Available in 100g

Utilization Rates

  • Vegetables: After growing integration, repeated when punish production spray on the leaves
  • Fruitful treesWhen the springs spring and repeat again after the contract is stable and when the symptoms of lack of elements 200, 300 g per 200 liters water
  • ield Crop: Before the hatchery stage and repeated again when it was carried out 1.5 -2.5 kg per hectare
  • flowers and decoration plants: With an average of two meals during the season 150 - 250 g per 200 liters of water

Benefits of Use

A compound dissolved in water in powder form. It gives the basic micro-elements of the plant and assists in most of the important biochemical reactions in crops. Raw materials used in high-quality manufacturing ensure high purity and solubility of the compound in water and provide an ideal paper-spray formulation to prevent and treat micro -nutrient deficiencies and improve plant biological processes

