Three Elements Shalat Fertilizers

Three Elements

Mn:3% Zn:3% Mo:1% Organic Carbon:20%
Organic fertilizer containing mineral elements loaded with amino acids in the form of a powder that dissolves in water

Available in 250g

Utilization Rates

  • Foliar spray 1 - 1.5 g per 1 liter of water Drip
  • irrigation 1 kg per 1 hectare

Benefits of Use

1- Improves plant growth.
2- Helps in the rapid growth of the plant - activating the formation of chlorophyll and germination of pollen grains on the stigmas of flowers.
3- Used in all stages of plant growth.
4- Used in the case of a yellow color between the veins in the leaf that are irregular and twisted, especially in new leaves.
5- Plays a role in the composition of one of the enzymes responsible for reducing nitrates in the plant to ammonia

